Honorary Session
A Special Session to Honor Professor Hong Hao in PROTECT 2024

The PROTECT 2024 organizing committee is arranging a special session to honour and commemorate the substantial academic achievements of John Curtin Distinguished Professor Hong Hao. This special session will feature over 20 presentations by scholars who have academic connections with Professor Hao, including his PhD students, Postdoc fellows and visiting scholars.
Hong Hao is currently a professor at the Earthquake Engineering Research and Test Center (EERTC, http://eertc.gzhu.edu.cn/) , Guangzhou University and John Curtin Distinguished professor and prestigious ARC Laureate Fellow at the Centre for Infrastructural Monitoring and Protection (CIMP, http://structuraldynamics.curtin.edu.au/), Curtin University. He is a Foreign Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering, distinguished fellow of International Association of Protective Structures, fellow of Australian Academy of Technological Science and Engineering, fellow of Institution of Engineers Australia, American Society of Civil Engineers and International Society of Engineering Asset Management. He was the president of Australian Earthquake Engineering Society (2010-2013) and the president of International Association of Protective Structures (2018-2023).
Professor Hao has made substantial academic contributions to the field of structural dynamics, in particular, earthquake engineering, blast and impact engineering, and structural health monitoring. In recent years, Professor Hao has been dedicated to developing sustainable, durable, multi-hazard resistant, resilient, and smart structures. With over 700 papers published in international journals, Professor Hao is recognized as one of the most highly cited researchers in civil and structural engineering, with over 40,000 citations and an H-index of 104 in Google Scholar. He has been named multiple times as the annual Australian research field leader in both civil engineering and structural engineering. Professor Hao’s research work has had a lasting and significant impact on scientific research and engineering practice, with his findings incorporated into textbooks, design codes and applied to construction projects around the world.
Professor Hao received his BS degree from Tianjin University and his MSc and PhD degrees from the University of California at Berkeley. He has received over 60 research awards, including the prestigious Nishino Medal in 2022 and Charles Bubb Medal in 2019. Professor Hao is a successful educator and mentor. He has supervised over 60 PhD students to successful completion and mentored 25 post-doctoral fellows. Most of his former students have achieved significant success in their careers, with approximately half of them now employed in leading universities and the other half in various industries around the globe. They hold esteemed positions in both academia and industry, receiving numerous awards and gaining widespread recognition in their respective fields.
Please join this special session to honour Professor Hao for his remarkable academic contributions.
Honorary Session Organizers:
- Associate Prof. Wensu Chen, Curtin University (wensu.chen@curtin.edu.au)
- Associate Prof. Kaiming Bi, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (kaiming.bi@polyu.edu.hk)
- Professor Jun Li, Curtin University (junli@curtin.edu.au)

Centre for Infrastructural Monitoring and Protection (CIMP)

5th Anniversary Conference of CIMP, 2020